Monday, May 8, 2023

Old Salt - For All Those Who Did Not Come Back

 Salty Dog - Procol Harum "Ledreborg 2006"

Being an "X" Sailor, this has a special meaning to me. Its been a controversial song since it was first recorded. Everyone it seems has a different interpretation of it. To me, this song is what the "party"of Whiter Shade of Pale is all about - i.e. sailors putting out to sea. But these sailors never made it back.

The song's lyrics were written by Keith Reid and its music was written by Gary Brooker when he was on tour in Switzerland; Brooker also sang. It was featured on the band's 1969 album, A Salty Dog. Reid's lyrics describe sailors crossing the unknown seas with the crew dying during their voyage. The string arrangement recalls Frédéric Chopin. The song is reportedly one of Reid's favorites.

Set at sea from the perspective of a sailor. Clanging bells and sombre piano chords set the mood for A Salty Dog, one of the most moving songs created by Procol Harum during their ten year career. The warning cry of 'All hands on deck' sends a chill of fear that only sailors in a storm might fully understand.

The song is about the sinking of a ship. It could have sank rounding Cape of Good Hope (southern tip of the African continent) which is very treacherous. There are no survivors as noted in the lyrics “and no one left alive.”

The rest of the song is about their journey into an afterlife as indicated by “Upon the seventh seasick day we made our port of call”. Port of call being “heaven” as in “seventh heaven”. 

Another key line indicating this is “no mortal place at all”. In the final verse the line “and burnt the mast” indicates that there is no going back to the mortal world, they have accepted this and their entrance into the afterlife is met with “tears of joy”. The line “many moons and many Junes” is a poetic way to epitomize the sense of eternity. 

Finally, the sinking is noted in the seaman’s log and seen by “your witness”. “Your” in this sense is god as in “god as my witness”. Since the ship sunk at sea with no survivors and would have been destroyed by the ocean over time there are no human witnesses to their “tortured course.”

Note that “heaven” can be interpreted any way one likes. It could be thought of as “nirvana” or “the great beyond” or even some kind of “reincarnation”. In any case the song represents sailors risking their lives for passion for the sea. It is a story of those who never made it to their destination - lost at sea forever - but live instead in the glory of god.

I think this is such a beautiful song because it honors all those sailors who have been lost at sea over the centuries. The nameless and faceless many who braved the sea with as much hope and passion as those who made it through their journeys alive. May they all rest in peace.

[Verse 1]
All hands on deck, we've run afloat
I heard the Captain cry
Explore the ship, replace the cook
Let no one leave alive
Across the straits, around the horn
How far can sailors fly?
A twisted path, our tortured course
And no one left alive

[Verse 2]
We sailed for parts unknown to man
Where ships come home to die
No lofty peak, nor fortress bold
Could match our captain's eye
Upon the seventh seasick day
We made our port of call
A sand so white, and sea so blue
No mortal place at all

[Verse 3]
We fired the guns, and burned the mast
And rowed from ship to shore
The captain cried, we sailors wept
Our tears were tears of joy!
Now many moons and many Junes
Have passed since we made land
A Salty Dog, the seaman's log
Your witness, my own hand 


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